Урок №40. Узагальнюючий урок з теми "Шкільне життя".
1. Виконати завдання самостійної роботи
1.Напишіть слова і вирази англійською:
№ |
Слова і вирази |
1 |
Винятковий |
2 |
Оволодівати |
3 |
Усвідомити |
4 |
Випускник |
5 |
Успішний |
6 |
Знання |
7 |
Приватна школа |
8 |
Дитячий садок |
9 |
Директор школи |
10 |
Навчатися у ліцеї |
2. Поєднайте слова із визначеннями:
№ |
Визначення |
let |
Слова |
1 |
People who have a job |
a |
Compulsory |
2 |
Something you must do because of a law |
b |
Employed |
3 |
A school where students live and study |
c |
Comprehensive |
4 |
Completed, including everything that is necessary |
d |
Boarding school |
5 |
At a higher level |
e |
Advanced |
3. Оберіть правильний варіант:
1. Primary/basic education starts at the age of 11-12.
2. Pupils should have equal opportunities/courses at the start.
3. State/private schools give free education.
4. A “boss” of a school is called head teacher/graduate.
5. A person, who has finished university, is called graduate/student.
4. Оберіть правильний варіант:
1. Tom and Jane study/learn at school №10.
2. Nick is learning/studying to be a barber.
3. You must learn/study this poem.
4. My friend studies/learns at Kyiv Polytechnic University.
5. You should learn/study to drive!
5. Розкрийте дужки, утворюючи умовні речення першого типу:
1. If Tanya ________ (not to attend) preparatory course, she won’t enter Shevchenko Kyiv National University.
2. If Mark chooses to study in Britain, he ________ (to study) in the boarding school.
3. If you leave school at 16, you ________ (to go) to a college.
4. If she finishes the university successfully, she _______ (to get) Master’s Degree.
5. If the pupils ________ (to finish) the eleventh grade, they ________ (to receive) a Certificate of Complete Secondary Education.
2. Домашнє завдання: повторити ЛО теми.