Урок №9. Психологи про родинні стосунки.
Дата: 05.12.2023 07:49
Кількість переглядів: 37
1. Переглянути відео.
2. Опрацювати презентацію (вивчити лексику) - Psychologists about family relationships.
3. Виконати вправу (повторення лексики) - Family Relationship.
4. Write about relationships in your family according to the plan:
•how much time you and your parents spend together;
•what are the reasons for your parents to get angry with you;
•why your parents find it sometimes difficult to listen about your problems;
•if you ask your parents about their problems;
•what things are really important for your parents;
what you can do to improve your family relationships.