для людей з порушеннями зору
Великоновосілківський професійний ліцей

Урок №37. Професії майбутнього. 01.03.2022

Дата: 01.03.2022 16:44
Кількість переглядів: 88

1.Переглянути відеоурок за посиланням


2.Виконати завдання

1. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjectives describing qualities certain professions need.

persuasive, brave, creative, patient, intelligent, polite, accurate, fair, friendly

Salespeople need to be _______to get people to buy their products.

A scientist has to be ______ in order to understand complex theories.

Receptionist should be_____ in order to make people feel welcome.

Surgeons must be very_____ as they should not make mistakes in their work.

A shop assistant has to be ____ even when dealing with a rude customer.

Lifeguards have to be ____ as thy often find themselves in dangerous situations.

Teachers need to be very _____ as students sometimes take a long time to learn things.

Judges should be _____ and give all the evidence equal consideration.

Fashion designers should be very______ so that they can come up with new designs.

2. Fill in with the appropriate word.

A /an _______ translates orally from one language into another.

A /an ______ installs new roofs or fixes old ones.

A /an______ sews suits or shirts for men.

A /an ______ reads the news on the radio or television.

A /an______ designs houses and buildings.

A /an______ fills prescriptions in a drugstore or pharmacy.

A /an______ checks your eyes and gives you glasses.

A an______ works in a garden.

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